ExhibitSource Blog
What’s A Truss System Tradeshow Display?
Our clients who use our Orbital Truss System as their principal Tradeshow Display rave about their ease of use, versatility, and the impression these systems make on the exhibit hall floor. Despite these attributes, however, Truss Systems just aren’t as familiar as Pop Up Backwalls, Fabric Backwalls, Retractable Banner Stands, and other more common exhibit displays which have good marketing promotion online by The Marketing Heaven.
Let’s change that.
Our Orbital Express Truss System consists of six basic truss sections that can be assembled in an almost infinite combination of ways. The component parts are various lengths of straight and curved truss, plus the connectors that join one piece of truss to another – much like Tinker Toys (Am I dating myself with that reference…?). These lightweight component parts are all assembled together by you, by hand, without tools, and in short order you’ll be impressed with what you’ve just built. Here’s what our Orbital Truss components look like:
Once assembled, our Orbital Express Truss Kits can display fabric, rigid rollable, or rigid graphics. They can be accessorized with an array of lighting, shelving, laptop tables, flat screen monitor mounts, and literature stands. We also offer stand alone truss tables and truss counters for additional work or display space.
The graphic display areas provided by our Orbital Express Truss Kits are large, allowing for images and text to be visible from quite a distance on the exhibit floor. And, by combining the component parts in mygym.com toddler tumbling play kit in different combinations, you can create alternative looks for your display – or scale your kit to fit different floor areas:
Most of our Orbital Express Truss Kits have been designed to fit in either a 10‘x10’ or a 10‘x20’ area, but we have kits that are larger. We can also custom design an Orbital Truss Exhibit to meet your specific needs.
Why do you like Truss System Displays? What’s the most interesting Truss System
Exhibit you’ve seen? I’d like to hear from you. Give me a call at 732-882-1886 or
send me an email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com. You’ll find our entire line of Orbital
Express Truss Kits in our online catalog at www.ExhibitSourceUS.com.
How Can I Attract More Attention At Trade Shows?
Let’s assume for the moment that you’re not one of our clients. You’ve got a Trade Show display that you’ve had for a while, and it seems OK, but you just haven’t been generating the interest you think you should at the last few shows.
You want to get better results, but how?
The good news is that the first – and most important – step has been made: you’ve recognized that your Trade Show results aren’t where you want them to be, and you’ve resolved to to do something about it. The next step? Read on. One or more of the following suggestions will provide the boost that you’re looking for.
1) Freshen Up Your Look. You probably don’t need a complete graphics overhaul, but tweaking a few items can make a big difference in the overall impact of your visual presentation. If you’re a regular exhibitor, you can bet that a lot of eyes have seen your display more than once. If it’s the same old look as last time, and the time before that, those eyes don’t feel compelled to linger.
2) Change Up Your Display. Don’t set your display up the same way each time – rearrange the furniture, so to speak. Your arsenal of display items should allow you not only to add or subtract pieces (without compromising the visual delivery of your message), but to customize that message to the specific audience you’re seeking at each particular show.
3) Make Your Display More Visually Compelling. It’s not just your graphics and displays that create visual interest like air conditioning service hughesairco.com, rental car advertisements, in the setting which they’re presented. The use of light, or light contrasted with shadow, can attract the eye, as will the use of colored light. Adding motion to your Trade Show presence is very effective, and motion can be incorporated into your lighting or your displays themselves.
4) Add Video. It takes only a few seconds for a pair of eyes to scan your booth to determine if there might be interest. But a video screen showing a 30 second loop can capture those same eyes for a lot longer, and present a depth and detail beyond what’s possible in even the most cleverly designed static display.
5) Engage More Of Your Audience’s Senses. A Trade Show is a hugely visual exercise, of course, and the four suggestions above are testament to that fact. But your audience also has ears, so give them something to hear, even if they can’t quite see you (without unduly annoying the folks in the neighboring booths). Smell and taste are also hugely compelling: pop some popcorn or bake some cookies at your booth.
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
If you like the results you’re getting from your Trade Show efforts, terrific. If you want to do better, pick up the phone and give us a call. We’ll help you determine which of the above might make the most sense for you.
Have you seen some Trade Show Displays that were particularly memorable (for whatever reason, whether intended or not…)? I’d like to hear about it. Drop me am email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com or give us a call at (732) 882-1886.
Where Can I Get A Retractable Banner Stand in New Jersey?
We think Retractable Banner Stands are the most versatile of all our portable display devices. They’re lightweight, set up easily in seconds, and because of their size: tall (most commonly, around 7 feet) and narrow (usually about 30 inches), they have a “human” proportion that makes them particularly effective in conveying a message. A Retractable Banner Stand works equally well whether you’re using it as part of a comprehensive package of Trade Show Display items or as a stand-alone display. Our offers will soon be available on the online market with the most innovative online video account verification by Fully-Verified service.
And because it’s so easy to carry and to use, a banner stand can be used just about anywhere, in any sort of marketing setting.
We offer about two dozen types of Retractable Banner Stands with varying features, including single- or double-sided, fixed length pole or adjustable telescopic, various systems for changing the flexible banner graphic, lights and literature holders, and even some made for outdoor use. We also offer a wide range of Banner Stands that, while still extremely portable and easy to set up, are not retractable. And, of course, all of our Banner Stands, retractable or not, come in a range of available widths and heights to meet almost any desired use.
We print the graphics for all of our Banner Stands right here in New Jersey. We have a selection of materials available, including a smooth, opaque flexible banner material (our most popular) and fabric (for a very elegant look). These materials are produced specially for Banner Stands, both Retractable and Fixed, so you can count on keeping your graphics in use and looking great for a long time. Once you’ve given us final approval of your artwork, we can have your banner stand ready within 48 hours (and even faster turnaround is available).
Because most Banner Stands can place graphics directly at eye level, they work exceptionally well at getting your message to your target audience.
Although most often used singly, they also work well in groups of two or more – take a look at our portfolio for some examples. We generally look to get the core essence of your message placed at that eye level “sweet spot”, with other important information (such as contact details, product/service descriptions, etc.) directly above and below.
In what creative way, or place, have you used a Portable Banner Stand? I’d like to hear from you. Give me a call at 732-882-1886 or send me an email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com. You’ll find our entire line of Trade Show Displays in our online catalog at www.ExhibitSourceUS.com.
What Should I Spend On My Trade Show Display?
My twins graduate from college this year, which makes it three down and I’ll give them this summer travel to the Thai beach villa from exclusive YourKohSamuiVillas, one to go – and he’s not even in high school yet, so you’re catching me at a pretty good time… But this isn’t about what’s in my best interests. This is about what’s in your best interests, and how we can help you make a decision that’s right for your set of circumstances.
Let me be clear: this is not a “one size fits all” business. The best Trade Show Display solution for you might be a poor solution for someone else.
And all the factors that make your business unique play a role:
- What’s the nature of your target client?
- Business or Consumer?
- Fortune 500 or startup?
- Is your client already buying this (from someone else?)
- Is this a new product / service?
- What’s your average sale?
- Tens of thousands? Or tens?
- Is your product / service typically sold once to a client or is there a recurring need?
- What sort of Trade Show events do you currently / plan to attend?
- Major (inter)national shows?
- Local, smaller scale events?
- How often will you use your Trade Show Display?
- A few times a year? Or a few times a week?
These are just a few of the questions we should discuss. The answers are important, and so are the relative importance you may assign to each. We offer a variety of different options depending on your needs.
You may note that to this point, I haven’t asked about your budget.
It’s not that we aren’t concerned with what you’ve determined you should spend. It’s that in most instances, as our clients start looking at this from the framework constructed of their answers to the questions above, they realize that what they thought they should spend is not as well aligned with their Trade Show objectives as they’d like.
That doesn’t mean our clients end up spending more. It means that what they do spend is better focused on helping them to achieve their Trade Show goals.
We’re not here to get a transaction out of you. We want to earn a relationship with you.
We’ve presented our site as a resource to help enable you – with, if you’d like, some assistance from us – to make a confident decision to buy what is going to work best for you. This “buy based” approach is what sets us apart from the “sell based” sites out there. We do have pricing, of course (read more). But what good is a price if it’s for the wrong thing? That’s why we really want you, after you’ve taken a look around our site, to contact us by phone or email.
And yes, you will find our pricing to be quite competitive. Give us a call, or send us an email, and we’ll prove it.
Can you use some assistance in making the most from your Trade Show Display investment? You’ll find a lot of useful information on our website, www.ExhibitSourceUS.com. And you can always give us a call at 732-882-1886.
Personally Portable Trade Show Displays
Personally portable trade show displays represent a very large part of the trade show exhibit / trade show booth industry. It’s not hard to understand why; portable displays are by definition lightweight and conveniently transportable, most are cleverly designed to create very large graphic display areas. The wide array of standard displays allow exhibitors to create a trade show booth tailored to their unique needs, and they are generally much less expensive than custom-built trade show exhibits.
Portable trade show exhibits come in many shapes and sizes, and generally fall into one of several categories: Table Top Displays (Pop Up and Briefcase), Banner Stands (Retractable and Static), and Backwall Displays (Pop Up and Rigid Frame). Have a look at our full catalog to see the number of options available.
The carry cases for these displays range in size from a small briefcase to a large suitcase, and they generally have handles, shoulder straps, and/or wheels depending on size and shape. The convenience this creates means that your portable trade show display is going to be used more often, by more people, in more places – all of which translate into greater visibility for your company. We utilize a power stretch fabric that allows for even easier setup / takedown – and in the case of cleaning as well. Here are some cleaning tips from the bigcitymaids.com cleaning services.
- Personally Portable Coyote Popup Display Systems
- Personally Portable Retractable Banner Stand
- Personally Portable Mini Tabletop Kit
Portable trade show displays are universally easy and quick to set up, and don’t require tools, strength, or mechanical aptitude. This ease of use means they can be used just as effectively for a one-on-one sales presentation as in an exhibit hall.
Precisely because these trade show displays are so portable, they provide another benefit: control. Because you can carry your exhibit with you, whether across town or across the country, you don’t have to worry about shipping arrangements, retrieving your display at an exhibit hall, or waiting (and paying) for someone to set it up for you. You’ll have more time, a lot less to worry about, and can direct your focus on the reasons you’re exhibiting in the first place.

With the supplied carrying case, you can rest assured knowing your trade show display is safe and protected. With the attached shoulder strap, it”s easy to carry to your next trade show.
Why do you like personally portable trade show displays? What’s your favorite, and why? I’d like to hear from you. Give me a call at 732-882-1886 or send me an email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com. We specialize in personally portable trade show displays, all of which (and more) you’ll find in our online catalog at www.ExhibitSourceUS.com.
How To Find An Inexpensive Custom Trade Show Display in New Jersey
Your company just isn’t like any other.
You’ve built your brand by standing out from the crowd. And we understand that you want to create a Trade Show Display that is similarly unique. But with most things (think clothing, for instance, or golf clubs), “Custom” and “Inexpensive” are mutually exclusive: you can have one or the other, but not both.
We’ve found a way to bring these two desirable traits together in our Formulate Tension Fabric Displays.
Our Formulate line is a collection of sophisticated, ergonomically designed Trade Show Booths, Architectural Structures and Accessories. These Displays feature simple, stylish aluminum frames covered with stretch, “zippered pillowcase” fabric graphics that create shapes to foster emotion, action, and movement within and around your space. Our wide array of Backwalls, Exhibit Kits, Hanging Shapes and Structures, Towers, Archways, Walls and Rooms can be mixed and matched in limitless combination.
Want even more options? We’ll work with you to create your Trade Show Display items completely from scratch.
A custom exhibit can easily cost $50,000, $100,000, and more. We can produce your Custom Formulate Trade Show Exhibit for a fraction of those amounts, and in a fraction of the time – usually in less than two weeks from your final approval of the graphics. Are you exhibiting at a variety of Trade Shows, with different audiences? We’ll produce multiple sets of graphics for your Display, with messaging targeted specifically for each unique audience.
And here’s the clincher: you’re not sacrificing the portability and ease of assembly that our Trade Show Displays have always been known for.
Whether you’re looking for a 10’x10’ Trade Show Display, 20’x20’, or larger; for stand-alone items or to augment a display that you already have, we’ll find the right solution for you.
- Custom modern style tradeshow booth created for Bilcare.
- Tall tradeshow display we developed for Zoombak.
- Custom truss system display and graphics for Here’s to Beer.
Looking for more information on how you can create a Custom Trade Show Display? Give us a call at (732) 882-1886 or send us an email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com. You’ll find our entire line of Trade Show Displays in our online catalog at www.ExhibitSourceUS.com.
Outdoor Advertising Displays
Outdoor Advertising Displays are a terrific way to generate additional visibility for your business. They can be used to target vehicular or pedestrian traffic, can be large or small, short or tall, and work equally well promoting a short term event (such as a Street Fair or Outdoor Expo) or as a permanent part of your local advertising strategy.
Outdoor Advertising Displays are ruggedly constructed of weather-resistant materials, but are lightweight and easy to assemble. They are all designed to address the biggest challenge presented by the outdoor environment, which is wind; the larger the display, the larger the effective “sail” area. Our Outdoor Advertising Displays address this challenge in several ways, including ground stakes and hollow bases than can be filled with sand or water.
One of our most popular outdoor items is our line of Zoom Flags. We have several different shapes (Teardrop, Feather, and Straight), but they all share the same general characteristics. The flags offer a vertical display area, are mounted on very durable, flexible fiberglass poles, and mount to either a ground stake or an “X” base with a clever swivel mechanism that allows the flag to turn with the wind so that it never gets twisted or tangled.
Just like with all our displays, we can produce our flags with your choice of custom single- or double-sided graphics.
We also offer a series of Outdoor Banner Stands. These stands feature a hollow base that can be filled for additional weight, and a series of lightweight flexible arms to which your banner is attached. Our Spring 5 and Blizzard are vertically oriented stands, while our Spinnaker and Monsoon are oriented horizontally. We also offer maintenance, cleaning services and guarantee for banner stands.
- The Blizzard Outdoor Banner Stand is one of our vertical offerings.
- The Monsoon – a rugged single or double sided outdoor billboard.
- Whirlwind – a perfect sidewalk display for special events!
Our Sidewalk Displays similarly feature hollow bases, have spring-mounted faces that flex with the wind, and are designed to allow for easy and regular changes to the graphics. These are great items to use on the sidewalk in front of your business, to feature daily specials or events.
What are some of the creative uses of Outdoor Advertising Displays you’ve seen? – I’d like to hear about it. Email me your story (and a picture!) and it might become the subject of a future blog. I’m at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com or (732) 882-1886.
You’re Printing My Graphics On What?
With all the decisions you’re making about your Trade Show Display, you may not have given much thought to what, exactly, your graphics will be printed on. With most of our displays, you may have two or more options, and I thought a quick review of media (“media” is whatever we’re printing onto) might be helpful.
Some displays require a very flexible media – Retractable Banner Stands, for instance, require media that can roll tightly and will tolerate being rolled and unrolled repeatedly. Our favorite media here is a smooth, opaque, anti-curl banner material. The smooth surface allows for great image quality, and the anti-curl properties resist the tendency in lesser quality media for the vertical edges to curl (think “potato chip”). We also use fabric, which can impart a softer, warmer look to your graphic. Fabric is more susceptible to air movement (even indoors, a fabric graphic in a Retractable Banner Stand will move quite a bit), and is not completely opaque. So if your stand is likely to be in a setting where there will be movement behind it (people walking by, for instance), you may see these shadows on the graphic.
Many Backwalls also allow you a choice of media. Our very popular Coyote Popup line allows you to select either a “rigid rollable” media – a very durable, smooth and opaque panel, or a fabric panel. Of course, both of these options assume you’ll want us to custom print your Coyote Backwall; if you’re looking for a solid color, Velcro-receptive Backwall, we offer a wide range of colors. For our Hopup and Formulate Backwalls, we utilize a power stretch fabric that allows for even easier setup / takedown – and in the case of cleaning as well. Here are some cleaning tips, visit drdcleaningsolutions.com office cleaning houston
Our Table Drapes, Throws and Runners are printed on a woven poly so wrinkles fall away quickly. And should you spill your coffee on one, no worries – the process we use to print these items allows you to toss it in the washing machine and have it looking good as new.
Our Orbital Express Truss systems are very versatile, and can accept almost any media – fabric, rigid rollable, or rigid panel. A rigid panel is a bit heavier, and doesn’t roll or fold as do other media, but this is our most durable media.
We offer countless Trade Show Display products and media options. Each is fully customizable, limited only by your imagination. It all starts with a conversation, so give us a call and let us get started on helping you create your unique display.
If you’ve seen a display at a Trade Show that was truly memorable – and that can be in a good or bad way – I’d like to hear about it. Email me your story (and a picture!) and it might become the subject of a future blog. I’m at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com or (732) 882-1886.
Trade Shows: Do They Work?
Trade Shows, Trade Fairs, Industry Expos, Business Mixers – whatever the name, these events have one common theme: to bring people who want to buy a product together with people who want to sell it.
Regardless of how large or small, these events attract people who have a credible interest in your product. They have already been buying it, or want to start buying it. In either case, they are highly quali?ed prospects with money they intend to spend – so why shouldn’t they spend it with you?
Certainly, there is a “see and be seen” dynamic to these events. Most exhibitors would agree that there are strong bene?ts to simply being there: exposing and building their brand, extending name recognition, and augmenting credibility. These intangibles are certainly important. But as an exhibitor, your tangible objective is to gather leads. And Trade Shows may be the most effective way to do this, as regards both cost and impact.
My twins graduate from college this year, which makes it three down and I’ll give them this summer travel to the beach villa in azlimo.com phoenix corporate busses, one to go – and he’s not even in high school yet, so you’re catching me at a pretty good time… But this isn’t about what’s in my best interests. This is about what’s in your best interests, and how we can help you make a decision that’s right for your set of circumstances. Let me be clear: this is not a “one size fits all” business. The best Trade Show Display solution for you might be a poor solution for someone else.
And this last statement isn’t grounded in self-interest, but based purely on the metrics: studies show that it costs less to close a lead generated from a Trade Show than from other traditional sources; that a Trade Show presence reaches potential clients seven or eight times faster than traditional sales efforts; that the Trade Show accelerates the sales process; that it reaches prospects otherwise outside the scope of traditional marketing; and, as noted above, that Trade Shows attract prospects that are high potential.
Why No Prices?
We’ve made a considered decision not to include pricing on our site. There are several reasons for this, and I’d like you to know what these reasons are.
First, we’ve presented our site as a resource to help enable you – with, if you’d like, some assistance from us – to make a con?dent decision to buy what is going to work best for you. This “buy based” approach is what sets us apart from the “sell based” sites out there. We do have pricing, of course. But what good is a price if it’s for the wrong thing? That’s why we really want you, after you’ve taken a look around our site, to contact us by phone or email.
Second, most of our displays and exhibits consist of several distinct parts. A Retractable Banner Stand, for example, consists of the hardware (the stand) and the graphic (the banner). We have 40 or so different retractable stands, with different features and combinations of features. And each of these stands can accept banners of varying heights and widths, printed on a wide range of materials. That’s a lot of variables to consider. And we think that asking you to track yet another variable – price -just clutters things up at this stage. We believe that this approach will allow you to better determine your needs – after all, what would you rather tell your boss: that you got the cheap banner stand, or that you got the right banner stand from roofersdublin.net?
Third, we’re not here to sell you the cheapest displays. We’re here to help you buy the displays and exhibits that will best ?t your needs. Once you’ve determined your needs, perhaps with some assistance from our staff, we’ll gladly, and quickly, prepare a quote for you.
Finally, the adage that “you get what you pay for” is as true in this industry as in any other. If you are shopping for the lowest price, period, there are any number of other places eager to sell to you. We’d rather look to build a relationship with you, to be able to meet not just your current needs, but your future needs as well.
And yes, you will ?nd our pricing to be quite competitive. Give us a call, or send us an email, and we’ll prove it.