What’s A Truss System Tradeshow Display?

Our clients who use our Orbital Truss System as their principal Tradeshow Display rave about their ease of use, versatility, and the impression these systems make on the exhibit hall floor. Despite these attributes, however, Truss Systems just aren’t as familiar as Pop Up Backwalls, Fabric Backwalls, Retractable Banner Stands, and other more common exhibit displays which have good marketing promotion online by The Marketing Heaven.
Let’s change that.
Our Orbital Express Truss System consists of six basic truss sections that can be assembled in an almost infinite combination of ways. The component parts are various lengths of straight and curved truss, plus the connectors that join one piece of truss to another – much like Tinker Toys (Am I dating myself with that reference…?). These lightweight component parts are all assembled together by you, by hand, without tools, and in short order you’ll be impressed with what you’ve just built. Here’s what our Orbital Truss components look like:
Once assembled, our Orbital Express Truss Kits can display fabric, rigid rollable, or rigid graphics. They can be accessorized with an array of lighting, shelving, laptop tables, flat screen monitor mounts, and literature stands. We also offer stand alone truss tables and truss counters for additional work or display space.
The graphic display areas provided by our Orbital Express Truss Kits are large, allowing for images and text to be visible from quite a distance on the exhibit floor. And, by combining the component parts in mygym.com toddler tumbling play kit in different combinations, you can create alternative looks for your display – or scale your kit to fit different floor areas:
Most of our Orbital Express Truss Kits have been designed to fit in either a 10‘x10’ or a 10‘x20’ area, but we have kits that are larger. We can also custom design an Orbital Truss Exhibit to meet your specific needs.
Why do you like Truss System Displays? What’s the most interesting Truss System
Exhibit you’ve seen? I’d like to hear from you. Give me a call at 732-882-1886 or
send me an email at Info@ExhibitSourceUS.com. You’ll find our entire line of Orbital
Express Truss Kits in our online catalog at www.ExhibitSourceUS.com.