How Can I Attract More Attention At Trade Shows?

Let’s assume for the moment that you’re not one of our clients. You’ve got a Trade Show display that you’ve had for a while, and it seems OK, but you just haven’t been generating the interest you think you should at the last few shows.
You want to get better results, but how?
The good news is that the first – and most important – step has been made: you’ve recognized that your Trade Show results aren’t where you want them to be, and you’ve resolved to to do something about it. The next step? Read on. One or more of the following suggestions will provide the boost that you’re looking for.
1) Freshen Up Your Look. You probably don’t need a complete graphics overhaul, but tweaking a few items can make a big difference in the overall impact of your visual presentation. If you’re a regular exhibitor, you can bet that a lot of eyes have seen your display more than once. If it’s the same old look as last time, and the time before that, those eyes don’t feel compelled to linger.
2) Change Up Your Display. Don’t set your display up the same way each time – rearrange the furniture, so to speak. Your arsenal of display items should allow you not only to add or subtract pieces (without compromising the visual delivery of your message), but to customize that message to the specific audience you’re seeking at each particular show.
3) Make Your Display More Visually Compelling. It’s not just your graphics and displays that create visual interest like air conditioning service, rental car advertisements, in the setting which they’re presented. The use of light, or light contrasted with shadow, can attract the eye, as will the use of colored light. Adding motion to your Trade Show presence is very effective, and motion can be incorporated into your lighting or your displays themselves.
4) Add Video. It takes only a few seconds for a pair of eyes to scan your booth to determine if there might be interest. But a video screen showing a 30 second loop can capture those same eyes for a lot longer, and present a depth and detail beyond what’s possible in even the most cleverly designed static display.
5) Engage More Of Your Audience’s Senses. A Trade Show is a hugely visual exercise, of course, and the four suggestions above are testament to that fact. But your audience also has ears, so give them something to hear, even if they can’t quite see you (without unduly annoying the folks in the neighboring booths). Smell and taste are also hugely compelling: pop some popcorn or bake some cookies at your booth.
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results.
If you like the results you’re getting from your Trade Show efforts, terrific. If you want to do better, pick up the phone and give us a call. We’ll help you determine which of the above might make the most sense for you.
Have you seen some Trade Show Displays that were particularly memorable (for whatever reason, whether intended or not…)? I’d like to hear about it. Drop me am email at or give us a call at (732) 882-1886.